Surgical Technology

M 状态's Surgical Technology Program is nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP), therefore it is determined that it meets state licensure requirements in all states. Please note, the Certified Surgical Technology (CST) exam is not required in many states, including 明尼苏达州 or North Dakota, 然而 an employer may mandate formal education or certification. Students should ask the employer at the time of application for the facility's policy and employment requirements.

状态状态 Licensing Board or Department状态 Licensing Requirements笔记
阿拉巴马州 满足 
阿拉斯加 满足 
American Samoa Not determined 
亚利桑那州 满足 
阿肯色州 满足This state offers optional registration/title protection for surgical technologists.
加州 满足 
科罗拉多州 满足This state requires surgical technologists to register in order to work in the state.
康涅狄格 满足 
特拉华州 满足 
District of Columbia Not determined 
佛罗里达 满足 
乔治亚州 满足 
关岛 Not determined 
夏威夷 满足 
爱达荷州 满足爱达荷州 has an administrative rule requiring that surgical technologists (referred to as “operating room technicians”) either complete a CAAHEP-accredited program or satisfy the NBSTSA requirements for CST/certification.
伊利诺斯州 满足This state offers optional registration/title protection for surgical technologists.
印第安纳州 满足This state does have a state law related to the education and certification of surgical technologists.
爱荷华州 满足 
堪萨斯 满足 
肯塔基州 满足 
路易斯安那州 满足 
缅因州 满足 
马里兰 满足 
Massachusetts 满足This state does have a state law related to the education and certification of surgical technologists.
密歇根 满足 
明尼苏达州 满足明尼苏达州 does not require formal education, but an employer may mandate formal education or certification. Students should ask the employer at the time of application for the facility's policy and employment requirements.
Mississippi 满足 
密苏里州 满足 
蒙大拿 满足 
内布拉斯加州 满足 
内华达 满足This state does have a state law related to the education and certification of surgical technologists.
New Hampshire 满足 
新泽西 满足This state does have a state law related to the education and certification of surgical technologists.
新墨西哥 满足 
纽约 满足This state does have a state law related to the education and certification of surgical technologists.
North Carolina 满足 
North DakotaNorth Dakota Board of Nursing满足North Dakota requires registry with the state board of nursing as an Unlicensed Assistive Personnel. To obtain this registry, students must be a CST or produce transcripts from an accredited program. Certification is not required, but students should check with employers at the time of application for the facility's policy and employment requirements.
Northern Mariana Islands Not determined 
俄亥俄州 满足 
俄克拉何马州 满足 
俄勒冈州 满足This state does have a state law related to the education and certification of surgical technologists.
Pennsylvania 满足 
波多黎各 Not determined 
Rhode Island 满足 
South Carolina 满足This state does have a state law related to the education and certification of surgical technologists.
South Dakota 满足 
田纳西州 满足This state does have a state law related to the education and certification of surgical technologists.
德州 满足This state does have a state law related to the education and certification of surgical technologists.
US Virgin Islands Not determined 
犹他州 满足 
佛蒙特州 满足 
维吉尼亚州 满足This state offers optional registration/title protection for surgical technologists.
华盛顿 满足This state requires surgical technologists to register in order to work in the state.
West 维吉尼亚州 满足 
威斯康辛州 满足 
怀俄明 满足 

Disclaimer: The college makes every effort to ensure the information above is current, but please be advised that state laws, regulations and policies may change at any time. It is the responsibility of the student completing the licensure program to check with the licensing board(s) in their state of residence or in the state in which they intend to obtain a license for the most recent information and requirements. M 状态 shall not be held liable if a student is unable to qualify for licensure or certification in any jurisdiction or cannot obtain a practicum/internship location.